Monday, January 24, 2011

Life's Necessities vs. Wants

     A big house, fancy car, diamond jewelry, and a lot of cash is your dream life right? Do we, as human, forget what's important in today's modern society. Even a simple tool,cell phone, can be mixed with being a need or a want. If you asks this new generation what is a cell phone to them; many would reply its their life, social network, and etc. If asked to grandparents and older elders if a cell phone is a major part of their life, you would probably get responses like" no it was a time before the mobile phone" or " we communicated with traveling to each other rather than cell phones". Or even a huge house can be confused. For example, people who has enough cash to buy an entire block buys a six figure house, well if that person has been either in poverty or a low income family people might feel if thats unnecessary to have. It would only seem right if that person would buy something that she/she is accustomed to. In today's society many have came to the point of living their life rather than taking care their business. As a result, many have encountered struggles and financial damage, but there is still those who feel that life is too short not to live it to the fullest.
     On the other hand, some wants can very important to people who feel they deserve their desired object. Many people have worked their whole lives without enjoying on minute of it, so who is it to them they cant have what they want when the time is right?  Wants can be important to many extents. Wants my bring happiness or self-motivation to someone who has been a hard contributor to society. Life is a crazy cycle that is going to go on forever and forever. No one will ever be able to determine the needs and wants. For one it will be a personal opinion and who cares about personal opinions? Also different people have different values.


  1. Only a individual can consider whats important to he/she because many people where brought up on different say so's. We can only have expectations and goals that represent who we are because we only have one life to live. I'm not saying blow everything out of perspective but take care of business and relax sometimes.

  2. Personally, I am a big fan of wants because as a young person I have worked hard to get a little excitement out of life. And thats what wants bring to you, excitement. Live by the rules and legal, but sit back sometimes and chill. You will only have so long to enjoy your wonderful life.
